It all started in 1990, when car engines were still equipped with carburetors. Then, we set them up carburetors with the corresponding zigglers and we watched the color of the spark plugs to get the correct setting. Without with the help of modern wideband sensors, we relied on experience and observation. With the advancement of technology and the introduction of injection systems, the field of tuning has evolved rapidly. THE arrival of ECUs (Electronic Control Units) opened up new possibilities and challenges. Since the days of carburetors, we have moved into an era where electronic engine management has become the norm. Today, our expertise in chip tuning allows us to improve the performance and fuel economy of modern cars with absolute precision and efficiency. With our many years of experience and continuous training, we are able to offer our customers top tuning solutions for every type of vehicle. Discover the difference chip tuning can make to your car's performance with the expertise and her our experience from 1990 until today.